Aadhar Rice Mill Private Limited is an unlisted private company incorporated on 2008-2009. It is classified as a private limited company and its factory is located at:-Gordhi Chowka, Chandil, Seraikela-Kharaswan, Jharkahnd-832404
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Aadhar Rice Mill Private Limited is U15500JH2009PTC013492. The registered office Aadhar Rice Mill Private Limited is at 501.M.R.Tower, Sharda Babu Street, Line Tank Road, Ranchi-834001(Jharkhand)
M/s Aadhar Rice Mill Pvt Ltd - a private limited company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 ,having its registered office at 501, MR Tower, Line Tank Road, Ranchi - 834001 Promoted by experienced and resourceful businessman, at :- Gordih, P.O. & P.S. – Chandil Disct. – Saraikela- Kharsawa, Jharkhand.
The promoters of the company namely Praveen Agarwal & Vikash Agarwal are well established business and belong to known Marwari family of Ranchi. The are currently engaged in wholesale and retail trader of FMCG Goods, Food grains including rice. They have their wholesale business outlet at Upper Bazaar. The promoters Praveen Agarwal and Vikash Agarwal are highly experienced and successful businessman.
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